Cross-cultural communication in medical settings

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Today there is a strong tendency to incorporate the bioethical principle of social justice in healthcare in cross-cultural communication. Considering cultural differences makes it possible to ensure that the human right to medical care and wellbeing is fully respected. Several types of most vulnerable populations were identified - immigrants and social minorities. When seeking medical care they face a number of problems such as culture and language barriers, lower socio-economic status, lack of literacy, which impede effective communication and care provision. The most promising ways of coping with the problem are developing cultural competence and practicing a patient-centered approach. New curricula aiming at raising cultural awareness have been elaborated for practical use in medical schools.

About the authors

V. V Zhura

Volgograd State Medical University

Doctor of Philology, associate professor, head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Latin

A. P Utesheva

Volgograd State Medical University

Senior lecturer, the Department of Foreign Languages and Latin


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Copyright (c) 2020 Zhura V.V., Utesheva A.P.

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