Medical ethics revisited (historical reconstruction based on complementary discourses)

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Reliable reconstruction of historical - cultural past, including the past related to medical culture, remains an important methodological task. However, most documents and materials traditionally used for such reconstructions are often "mythologems", influenced by official ideology. Inevitably, the historical-cultural context is replaced by the historical-clinical one. The researcher is transferred from the field of culture to the space of professional constructions that impoverish our ideas about such elusive phenomena as medical ethics, body practices, attitudes to illness and health. The article substantiates the possibility of using literary texts as complementary discourses for such reconstructions. Important topics in the development of medicine can be clarified using literary reflection.

About the authors

E. G Semenova

Volgograd State Medical University

Senior lecturer of the Department of Modern languages with a Latin course

I. K Cheremushnikova

Volgograd State Medical University

Doctor ofphilosophy, associate professor, Professor of the Department of History and Cultural studies


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Copyright (c) 2020 Semenova E.G., Cheremushnikova I.K.

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