Ethical problems of medics’s interaction with eldery patiens on the examl of the social group of militari retirees

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In the article, the problem of formation of a partnership between doctor and elderly patient as the optimal model of their interaction is being discussed. The relevance of this issue is determined by the need of improving the quality of medical care, especially for retirees, who are a substantial part of the national patient group. The materials of the author's medico-sociological study were used in this article. The empirical base of the research is presented by the results of the survey and the analysis of outpatient cards of military retirees (N=150; mean age - 57, 3±3, 5). The author's focus group with doctors of different specialties was created (N=11; the average length of service 14±7 years) to determine the relationship between the doctors and this group of patients. The explicated problems of interaction between doctors and elderly patients demonstrate the necessity to create and introduce methods of the social rehabilitation of military men in medical activity. As a tool for formation of a partnership model of interaction between doctor and elderly patient we propose to use the basic principles of bioethics, which are performed in “The universal Declaration on bioethics and human rights " (UNESCO, 2005).

About the authors

E. G Agapova

Half Service 02526

infectious disease physician Voronezh

A. D Donika

Volgograd Medical Scientific Centre

Doctor of Sociology, associate professor, senior research associate in the Laboratory of ethical, law and sociological expertise in medicine Volgograd

Ju. V. Esipenko

Half Service 02526

Therapists, candidate of Medical Sciences Voronezh


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Copyright (c) 2017 Agapova E.G., Donika A.D., Esipenko J.V.

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