Good ethical practice in vaccine research

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The main idea of this article to present and to build up an open discussion about the principles of the Good Ethical Practice in vaccine research - was born out of a clearly perceived need: to facilitate critical decision making in nowadays' vaccinology. The article aims to provide the readers with a comprehensive overview of this increasingly complex field. The generally accepted ethical standards for vaccines clinical trials, and various social, economic, ethical and political issues connected with the development and successful implementation and sustaining of the current vaccination programmes are dealt with. The article is based upon fundamental ethical standards and includes the presentation of universal principles of ethics in vaccine research and review of the main and essential international guidelines on ethics in this field. The paper has been prepared and introduced in collaboration of the Educational and Ethics Working Parties of the European Forum for Good Clinical Practice (EFGCP).

About the authors

Olga I. Kubar

Saint-Petersburg Pasteur Institute

PhD, leading scientific researcher, laboratory for etiology and control of viral infections,EFGCP Board member (Education Officer); ex-member IBC UNESCO Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Jozef Glasa

Institute of Medical Ethics and Bioethics n. f

PhD, MD, PhD, Slovak Medical University in Bratislava, EFGCP Board member (Ethics officer, Former chair of Ethics WP) Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Helena Glasova

Slovak Medical University in Bratislava; Institute of Medical Ethics and Bioethics n. f

PhD, MD Bratislava, Slovak Republic


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Copyright (c) 2017 Kubar O.I., Glasa J., Glasova H.

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