Formation of lateral thinking in discussion of bioethical dilemmas of technologies of "human enhancement»

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Results of approbation in student's audiences’ receptions of lateral thinking in discussion of technologies of management of human feelings are presented in article. Authors consider lateral thinking as the most effective method of a bioethical reflection because abduction doesn't pass by the abnormal facts, phenomena, stories, examples, remakes concepts and finds extraordinary ways of acculturation of new medical technologies by means of promotion of, at first sight, unacceptable hypotheses. Authors consider that the bioethics develops in line of post-nonclassical rationality which allows lateral style of confirmation of hypotheses of adoption of unevident decisions on the basis of the principle of credibility, despite methods of binding of unjoinable, thinking across, metaphoricalnesses and pantophagies of judgments, discontinuity of a reflection, and banality of conclusions.

About the authors

I. A Serova

Perm State University of Medicine named after Academician E.A. Wagner

D.Sc. (Philosophy), professor of the department of Philosophy and Bioethics Perm

A. U Yagodina

Municipal polyclinic of Perm

PhD, MD, infectious disease specialist Perm


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