Bioethos as the space of justice and real improvement of human

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The article demonstrates that modern system of biocapitalism includes life in the system of calculation and capital finally. Such human life finds lines of individual utopian project claiming enormous in-vestments. In one 's turn this tendency leads to the enormous growth of injustice and real threat of ruin of the most part of humankind. The formed situation demands to look for new ethos. This ethos, defined as bioethos, is the system of global survival and combined living. The system of bioethos includes in itself balanced distribution of benefits and burdens, forming of integral “biophilic” ethics and creation of new social anthropology, implying elaboration of bioethical conception of human. In the framework of this conception the idea of human “widening” through cooperation, solidarity, charity, self-restraint, self-sacrifice and creation.

About the authors

K. S Smirnov

Volgograd State Medical University

PhD, associate professor of Department for Philosophy, Bioethics and Law with the Course of Medical Sociology Volgograd


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