Volume 20, Nº 2 (2023)


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Review Articles

Mutual influence of posters and kinematics of the temporomandibular joint

Parkhomenko A., Shemonaev V., Barulin A., Osokin A., Maloletkova A., Kalinichenko B.


Achievements in integrative areas of medicine can significantly supplement the traditional ideas about the etiopathogenesis of temporomandibular joint dysfunction, based on the positions of occlusal and neuromuscular theories and mainly limited to consideration of the elements of the stomatognathic system. The article presents the results of a study of data on the influence of the state of the spine on the pathogenesis of diseases of the temporomandibular joint and data on the effectiveness of the treatment of combined pathology of the joint and posture according to publications in domestic and foreign literature over the past 15 years. Expanding the view on the structure and function of the maxillofacial region and the role of craniopostural and craniovisceral relationships requires the development of a unified methodological approach to the diagnosis of patients with dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, which will help reduce the number of diagnostic errors and the risk of chronic pain phenomena.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):3-12
pages 3-12 views

Somatic systemic complications of pancreatic necrosis: a review of the literature

Lopushkov A., Burchuladze N., Popov A., Mikhin V., Kitaeva A., Kikteva O., Turovets M., Mikhin I.


The analysis of publications devoted to the pathogenesis and prediction of the most frequent complications of patients with pancreatic necrosis was carried out. It was revealed that the issues of development and prevention of the described complications require further study, which will help in creating a personalized model for predicting complications necessary to justify preventive measures and reduce the mortality rate in patients of this category.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):13-19
pages 13-19 views

Pharmacological animal models of schizophrenia for antipsychotic drug discovery and development

Kalitin K., Spasov A., Mukha O., Pridvorov G.


Schizophrenia is a chronic psychoneurological condition that encompasses a wide variety of neurochemical, morphological, bioelectrical and behavioural changes. Comprehension of the mechanisms underlying schizophrenia and psychosis cannot be fully acquired in clinical studies with humans. For this reason, a number of experimental animal models of schizophrenia have been developed. Although none of the existing models of schizophrenia fully reproduces the complete spectrum of schizophrenia, critical aspects of pathology processes can be experimentally recapitulated. In this review we summarise the pathological features, advantages and limitations of the major pharmacological animal models of schizophrenia, including maternal immune activation. Commonly used pharmacological models of schizophrenia are useful for the preclinical evaluation of antipsychotic drugs and involve the dysfunction of various neurotransmitter systems, including dopamine, glutamate, serotonin. The review also describes maternal immune activation and neurodevelopmental rat models of schizophrenia. Positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms vary in degree and combination depending on the type of model used. A greater understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of various animal models of schizophrenia and the use of more than one model to evaluate antipsychotic activity would help to improve the efficiency of the drug discovery process and therapy translation from preclinical studies to patients.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):20-28
pages 20-28 views

Original Researches

Heart rate variability is a marker of the risk of maladaptation of students of various educational institutions

Yamanova G., Kudrin R., Orlov D.


A comparative analysis of the level of adaptive capabilities of cadet corps and secondary school students based on the study of heart rate variability. Materials and methods: Cadets (n = 64) and schoolchildren (n = 86) aged 10–12 years took part in the study; spectral parameters of the heart rate were evaluated at rest and under conditions of an active orthostatic test. Results: It was found that the severity of the HF component of the heart rate decreases with age in cadets, which indicates a decrease in the effects of the parasympathetic system, (40.2 ± 8.7) % – at 10 years and (25.1 ± 3.6) % – at 12 years; р = 0.024. At the age of 12, the values of LF (р = 0.034), LF/HF (р = 0.031) and SI (р = 0.041) in cadets are higher than in schoolchildren, and HF (р = 0.022) are lower. During the active orthostatic test, the cadets showed a decrease in K30:15, as well as an increase in LF (р = 0.035), LF/HF (р = 0.041) and TI (р = 0.038), which demonstrates the predominance of the central contour of regulation. Conclusions: 1) spectral analysis of the heart rate indicates a marked increase in the stress of adaptive mechanisms with age in the cadets of the Cossack corps, which reflects increased physical, intellectual and psycho-emotional stress compared with schoolchildren; 2) spectral characteristics of heart rate variability can be used as sensitive markers of stress of physiological systems and a decrease in adaptive reserves.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):29-34
pages 29-34 views

Ultrasound examination of the anatomy of the masticatory muscles in their hypertonicity

Makedonova J., Venskel E., Osyko A., Alexandrov A., Pavlova–Adamovich A., Venskel I.


Knowledge of the anatomy of the masticatory muscles is extremely important for understanding para functional muscle disorders. This article describes the anatomy of the masticatory and temporal muscles proper in their hypertonicity from the position of ultrasound examination. With the help of qualitative and quantitative indicators, the structure of the masticatory and temporal muscles proper was studied at rest and under stress. Ultrasound examination revealed point and linear hyperechoic inclusions, trigger points, which made it possible to verify muscle hypertonus.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):35-39
pages 35-39 views

Retrospective analysis of the prevalence of diseases of the oral mucosa in the Volgograd region

Shkarin V., Poroysky S., Makedonova Y., Dyachenko S.


The paper presents the results of a retrospective analysis of the prevalence of diseases of the oral mucosa. It is noted that the high prevalence of various ORS diseases is associated with a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 due to immunopathological changes in the patient’s body. It is known that patients with OOP diseases represent one of the most difficult groups of patients in dentistry. An increase in the frequency of occurrence of erosive-ulcerative lesions of the ROR was noted, which have different etiology and pathogenesis, while their clinical picture is quite similar. The study was carried out in the dental clinics of Volgograd – clinical bases of the Department of Dentistry of the Institute of the NMFO FSBEI HE VolgGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia. 2719 medical records of a dental patient (form 043y) were studied in the period 2019–2022. There was a significant dynamic growth, especially in 2022, of inflammatory-destructive pathologies of the COR, as well as the highest prevalence of COR pathologies in middle-aged people. A persistent increase in complicated cases with a generalized spread of pathological elements was revealed, which proves the relevance of searching for new methods for managing these patients.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):40-47
pages 40-47 views

Epidemiology of benign tumors and pseudo tumoral lesions of the femur based on an analysis of patients receiving orthopedic care

Dianov S., Magomedov K., Alimagomedov S., Avdeev A.


Benign tumors and pseudo tumoral lesions of the bones belong to the largest group ofan abnormal growth of tissue in bone, which is characterized by many specific clinical, radiological and histological features. The study of data on the spread of pathology, localization, frequency of recurrence depending on gender and age characteristics helps to determine the category of people who need a more detailed examination. Aim: Determination of the incidence of an abnormal growth of tissue in bone, the most typical localization, as well as the likelihood of recurrence and malignancy in patients with benign abnormal growth of tissue in the femoral bone. Materials and methods: Materials obtained during the analysis of casesur, as well as radiographs of 465 patients operated in the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Astrakhan State Medical University from 2 years old to 70 years, from 1977 to 2018, using nonparametric analysis methods. Differences were considered significant at r ≤ 0.05. Results: Studying various tumors depending on age, it was found that the median age of patients with aneurysmal bone cyst (13.5) was significantly lower than the median age of patients with giant cell tumor (osteoclastoma) (25), respectively. When comparing persons suffering from a metaphyseal fibrous defect (non-ossifying fibroma) and a chondroma (enchondroma), a difference was noted in the average age values, which amounted to 13.5 years and 45 years, respectively. A significant difference was also found between those with a solitary bone cyst and chondroma (enchondroma), where average was 45 years. When analyzing the significance of differences in the incidence of tumors of certain localizations depending on the patient’s gender, it was found that the differences are not significantly significant in any of the compared groups. A certain dependence of the tumor localization on gender is not determined, which indicates that the localization of the tumor is not related to the sex of the patient. The frequency of recurrence of an abnormal growth of tissue in femoral bone is also not related to gender. Conclusions: The primary incidence of femoral’s tumor is predominantly characteristic of patients aged 15 years. In the groups of patients with aneurysmal bone cyst, osteochondroma (bone and cartilage exostosis) and solitary bone cyst, the median age of a person is the smallest. In the comparison of patients with giant cell tumor (osteoclastoma), metaphyseal-fibrous defect (non-ossifying fibroma), osteoid osteoma, chondroma (enchondroma), female patients predominated, and in patients with osteochondroma (osteocartilaginous exostosis) and osteoma, male patients predominated. The incidence of recurrence in the compared groups with a diagnosis of aneurysmal bone cyst, giant cell tumor (osteoclastoma), fibrous dysplasia and chondroma (enchondroma) was significantly higher than in other groups.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):48-56
pages 48-56 views

Influence of progressive spectacles correction on the eye hydrodynamics indicators and ocular morphometric parameters in presbyopic persons

Gndoyan I., Petraevsky A., Kuznetsova N., Kushtareva L.


Purpose: To study the eye hydrodynamics indicators and eye morphometric parameters in presbyopic subjects with emmetropia and hyperopia under the usual professional visual load with using of progressive and monofocal spectacles correction. Material and methods: 49 subjects (98 eyes) of 45–56 y.o., mean age (48 ± 1.7) years, were examined. There were 20 men and 29 women. Emmetropia was present in 22 subjects (44 eyes), mild degree of hyperopia – in 19 subjects (38 eyes) and moderate degree of hyperopia – in 8 subjects (16 eyes). All subjects who were included in the study had not any eye diseases other than presbyopia and hyperopia. All persons were examined against the background of intense visual load at the end of the working day. First examination was performed without spectacles using, second one – after prescribing and using of monofocal or progressive spectacles correction. The examination methods were represented by visometry, refractometry, pneumotonometry, computer tonography, ultrasound biometry, determination of accommodation amplitude using the «Push up test», optical coherence tomography of the anterior segment of the eye. Results: The critic intensity of eye hydrodynamics processes, anterior chamber depth decreasing and the iridocorneal angle increasing were revealed under conditions of visual load at near distance in presbyopic patients with hyperopia and emmetropia without spectacles correction. Using of progressive spectacles correction led to significant decreasing of intraocular pressure (IOP) (p < 0.001), increasing of aqeous humor outflow (p < 0.001), anterior chamber depth decreasing (p < 0.01 in emmetropia and p < 0.001 in hyperopia) and iridocorneal angle increasing (p < 0.001). Significant increasing of the accommodation amplitude was recorded with using of progressive correction in both hyperopic (p < 0.001) and emmetropic subjects (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The use of progressive glasses as a permanent correction has a positive effect on the state of eye hydrodynamics and morphometric parameters of the anterior chamber in emmetropic and hypermetropic patients with presbyopia. Lack of correction in persons of presbyopic age not only causes visual fatigue, but can lead to disruption of hydrodynamic balance and the development of glaucoma.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):57-62
pages 57-62 views

Prevalence and structure of refractive error among schoolchildren in Krasnoyarsk

Kochetova T., Ilyukhin D., Kozlov V.


Every year the number of patients with pathology of the visual organ increases. Refractive errors in ophthalmology occupy a leading position. Schoolchildren and preschool children are among the most vulnerable categories for the development of myopia. Material and methods: 1 165 children currently studying in schools of the Krasnoyarsk Territory were examined, a retrospective analysis of 1 335 forms of 026/from students of the same schools in 2010–2011 was performed. Standard methods of ophthalmological examination were used. The results of a comparative analysis of a retrospective sample of 026/y forms for 2010–2011 and a prospective analysis of the results of a survey of schoolchildren performed in 2021–2022 revealed a statistically significant increase in the number of schoolchildren with refractive disorders in all three age groups by 1.9 times (18.1 and 33.6 % respectively). Analysis of the rank structure of refractive disorders brought weak myopia to the first place, degrees, to the second degree hypermetropia of a weak degree and to the third place a spasm of accommodation. Conclusions: A large visual load and distance learning negatively affected the state of vision of students. Myopia and myopic astigmatism accounted for 71.4% in the structure of refractive errors detected in the examined schoolchildren.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):63-69
pages 63-69 views

Morphofunctional status of interstitial endocrinocytes (Leydig cells) with premature aging caused by dark deprivation

Kondakova L., Kalashnikova S., Polyakova L.


It was found that in experimental rats there is a decrease in the number of Leydig cells, the ratio between active and inactive endocrinocytes and, as a consequence, a decrease in the activity index of his cells. The effect of 30-day dark deprivation and 14-day correction with exogenous melatonin on the steroidogenic ability and morphofunctional state of the spermatogenic epithelium of the testes, interstitial endocrinocytes (Leydig cells) of white mongrel male rats aged 4 months was analyzed. The level of corticosterone, testosterone, and Clotho protein in blood serum was assessed by enzyme immunoassay. It was found that 30-day dark deprivation increases the level of corticosterone, reduces the level of testosterone and Clotho protein in the blood serum, which is a marker of premature aging. It was found that morphological changes in the testes were characterized by a decrease in the thickness of the spermatogenic epithelium, the area of Leydig cells and their nuclei for 30 days after dark deprivation. The introduction of exogenous melatonin led to a partial restoration of androgenogenesis, the morphofunctional state of the testes: spermatogenic epithelium, Leydig cells.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):70-73
pages 70-73 views

Aspects of effect of novel compound exhibiting hypoglycemic activity on female rat reproduction processes

Bugaeva L., Denisova T., Tyurenkov I., Petrov V., Melikhova N.


In experiments, in female rats, the novel substance dipiarone with hypoglycemic activity when administered intragastrically at doses of 0.5 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg from 6 to 16 days of gestation did not have a damaging effect on the processes of organo- and fetogenesis and did not contribute to the occurrence of deformities and abnormalities in the development of fetuses recorded in the antenatal and postnatal period of their development. Intragastric administration of dipiarone to rats at a dose of 100 mg/kg from 6 days of pregnancy until delivery showed that the formation of physical development of rat offspring in the postnatal period corresponds to the control parameters, while they had an increase in the rate of body weight gain, ahead of the time of formation of sensory-motor reflexes, activation of motor and emotional behavior.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):78-82
pages 78-82 views

Influence of stress caused by chronic isolation on the reproductive function of male rats

Bugaeva L., Bagmetova V., Maltsev M., Kuzubov A., Lavrova E., Kuzubova E., Bagmetov M.


Studies on white outbred 3,5–4-month-old male rats showed that stress caused by chronic 2-month social isolation has a negative impact on reproductive function. A negative effect of long-term social isolation on the sexual behavior of male rats was revealed: a statistically significant increase in the latent period until the first emotional approach to the female, a decrease in the total time of emotional approaches, the time of anogenital sniffing of the female partner, and the number of allogrooming acts. At the same time, chronic isolation stress does not have a statistically significant effect on the total number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate of male rats, but it contributes to an increase in immobile forms, a decrease in the time of spermatozoa motility and their acid resistance compared to intact animals.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):83-87
pages 83-87 views

The features of the production of interleukins-4, -8, -10 and -18 in normal third trimester pregnancy

Neklyudova A., Belan E., Andreeva M., Kopan S.


The serum level of ILL-4, -8, -10, -18 has been studied in 32 healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancy in comparison with nonpregnant women. It has been shown that the decreased production of ILL-4, -8, -10 and IL-8/IL-18 ratio, but increased production of IL-18 and IL-18/IL-10 ratio.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):74-77
pages 74-77 views

Expression of VEGFR-3 in the lymphatic vessels of the human gum lamina proper within the age and inflammation

Speranskaya E., Golubtsova N., Derevyanchenko S., Denisenko L.


Activation of vascular endothelial growth factor VEGFR-3 leads to proliferation, differentiation and migration of lymphatic endothelial cells. The role of this factor in periodontal tissues in normal and inflammatory conditions requires extensive study. The purpose of this study: to study the distribution and expression of VEGFR-3 in the lymphatic vessels of the gum lamina proper during inflammation and the use of a diode laser in young and mature people. Slices of human gum biopsy material were studied by immunohistochemical method. As a result of the research , it was found that in the patients with conditionally healthy periodontal tissues, the number of lymphatic vessels depends on the age and differs in young patients compared to mature patients by 1.2 times. Simultaneouslyбол, it was found that in the control groups, the majority of vessels do not contain VEGFR-3 or have weak receptor expression regardless of age. The tendency to VEGFR-3-mediated increasing of the number of lymphatic vessels during the inflammation is observed only at the age of 41 to 60, however, the intensity of the expression of the VEGF type 3 receptor in chronic gingival inflammation shifts towards the increasing of the vessels with medium and strong VEGFR-3 expression in both groups. As a result of the study, it was found that the tendency to change the number of VEGFR-3-positive vessels is observed only in inflamed gum tissue in patients after 41. Diode laser has a stimulating effect on VEGFR-3-mediated vascular circulation in young patients, while in mature patients, diode laser therapy leads to increase the part of lymphatic vessels with medium and strong expression of the studied receptor, but practically does not affect on the number of detected vessels.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):88-91
pages 88-91 views

The effect of peri-implant soft tissues on the stability of the sacral bone in the area of dental implants

Yarygina E., Popkov V., Kriventsev A.


Achieving the stability of bone tissue in the field of dental implants is still the most urgent and completely unsolved problem in implantological practice. Modern ideas about the biological principles of the structure and functioning of the tissues of the periimplant zone are one of the most significant factors in ensuring the stability of the crestal bone tissue. The soft-tissue component that forms the basis of the biological complex at the implant-suprastructure interface plays a key role in protecting the implant platform from non-physiological resorption processes.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):92-95
pages 92-95 views

Results of diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction in patients with malocclusion

Makurdumyan D., Matveev A., Podgornova E.


Temporomandibular joint dysfunction in patients with malocclusion is quite a widespread problem in modern dentistry. The study included: identification of patients with signs of TMJ dysfunction and malocclusion by pre-selection; diagnosis of dysfunctions in the main group of patients; preparation of the treatment plan using splint therapy and kinesiotherapy; assessment of the effectiveness of these treatment methods. Most of the subjects had a decrease in the tone of the masticatory muscles, pain sensitivity in the masticatory muscles and the TMJ area. Splint therapy, as well as kinesiotherapy, is the best choice in the treatment of these patients.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):96-99
pages 96-99 views

Features of differential diagnosis of odontogenic cystsin children

Fomenko I., Sidoruk V., Kasatkina A., Sidoruk A., Timakov I.


Relevance: Odontogenic jaw cysts of inflammatory genesis in children are a cavity formation in the bone tissue with a predominantly asymptomatic course. This clinical and radiological picture may be characteristic of a number of different pathologies, which poses the clinician with the task of conducting a thorough differential diagnosis. The purpose of the study: To perform a retrospective analysis of histological examination protocols of surgical material of patients operated on for jaw cysts. Materials and methods: The analysis of protocols of pathohistological examination of surgical material of patients operated on for jaw cysts for the period 2018–2022 in the children’s dental polyclinic No. 2 of Volgograd was performed. The data obtained were processed by methods of variational statistics. Results: 89 histological examination protocols were studied, the majority were radicular cysts associated with temporary teeth-58 (70.7 %), followed by follicular cysts-16 (19.5 %), then radicular cysts associated with permanent teeth - 7 (8.5 %), and in 1 (1.2 %) case a residual cyst was diagnosed. In 6 (6.7 %) cases, there was a discrepancy between clinical and pathohistological diagnoses. Conclusion: A pathohistological examination of the cyst shell is mandatory to establish a final diagnosis, however, for the differential diagnosis of a radicular cyst from a temporary tooth and a follicular cyst, a correlation of clinical, radiological and pathohistological signs is necessary.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):100-104
pages 100-104 views

Morphogenesis of thyropathies according to expression Oct3/4, PHH3, CK8, CK18 in chronic endogenous intoxication

Polyakova L., Kalashnikova S., Vogel A.


Regeneration of internal organs under conditions of negative environmental impact, as well as adaptation to changing conditions of internal homeostasis in conditions of illness, is an urgent problem in regenerative medicine. The key links in the regulation of homeostasis are neuro-immune-endocrine relationships, where the main role in the regulation of metabolism is assigned to the thyroid gland. Morphological changes in the thyroid parenchyma under conditions of altered homeostasis in chronic endogenous intoxication (CEI) can lead to the formation of undiagnosed thyroid disorders and are not taken into the development of thanatogenesis. We conducted an IHC study to determine the main patterns of development of regenerative and adaptive processes of thyrocytes in conditions of CEI based on the expression of thyrocyte proliferation factors (PHH3), stem cells (Oct3/4), as well as to determine the risk of developing malignant neoplasms (CK8, CK18). It was found that in the formation of nodular neoplasms with a pronounced expression of PHH3 with a mitotic index of more than 25 %, it is necessary to conduct an IHC study to determine the expression of CK8, CK18 to identify the risk of developing thyroid neoplasms.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):105-108
pages 105-108 views

Morphoimmunohistochemical changes in the coronary arteries early after stenting

Todorov S., Todorov S., Deribas V., Kazmin A.


Introduction: Modern methods of surgical treatment for coronary heart disease include stenting and bypass surgery. In this regard, a morphoimmunohistochemical study of the state of the coronary arteries in the early stages after stenting will make it possible to predict postoperative complications. Materials and methods: The protocols of autopsies of 20 deceased were studied (10 men, mean age – 64.7 years, 10 women, mean age – 76.9 years). In 85 %, progressive stenosing atherosclerosis of the mouth of the left coronary artery (CA) and the anterior interventricular branch was noted. Taking into account the development of complications after stenting, three chronological groups were identified: 1) up to 3 days; 2) 3–7 days; 3) 7–15 days. The computer program ImageJ (US National Institutes of Health, USA) was used for CA morphometry. Statistical processing of the obtained results was carried out on a personal computer using the statistical tools of the Statistica 10 program. Result : It was shown that during the first 3 days after stenting of coronary arteries, acute damage to endothelial cells in the form of desquamation, dystrophic and necrobiotic processes, intramural hemorrhages in the areas of atheromas localization are observed in their walls. After 3–7 days and later, 7–15 days after stenting of the coronary artery, parietal mixed (fibrin-leukocytic), fibrin thrombi with signs of organization are observed in the lumens of the coronary artery, which is combined with the phenomena of neoangiogenesis of the artery wall. Conclusions: Damage to endothelial cells and related disturbances in the rheological properties of blood due to the expression of von Willebrand factor can initiate endothelial dysfunction with the development of thrombosis, thromboembolism of small coronary branches, which can cause myocardial perfusion disorders with the development of acute infarction.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):109-115
pages 109-115 views

Risk factors for life-threatening ischemic events and death in patients with myocardial infarction

Prokofieva T., Polunina O., Polunina E.


The development and implementation of effective measures of secondary prevention of recurrent ischemic events and post-hospital mortality in patients with myocardial infarction remains relevant. A total of 130 patients (89 men and 41 women) with myocardial infarction of type I were examined. At the in-patient stage of treatment, a set of laboratory data characterizing endogenous intoxication syndrome was subjected to clustering. As a result, four clusters were formed: «polymarker-retentive», «necrotic-inflammatory», «hypoxic-inflammatory» and a cluster with no endogenous intoxication syndrome. Recurrent heart attack, stroke, and mortality from cardiac causes constituted the combined end point. The probability of its occurrence within 1 year after myocardial infarction development was 18.6 %. We proposed a model for predicting the development of the combined endpoint, taking into account the type of endogenous intoxication syndrome.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):116-120
pages 116-120 views

Morphofunctional characteristics of working cardiomyocytes in offspring of mothers with experimental type 1 diabetes in the early neonatal period

Zavyalov S., Bryukhin G.


The aim of this research was to analyze the features of morphofunctional state of left ventricular contractile cardiomyocytes of the offspring of mothers with experimental type 1 diabetes mellitus during the neonatal period. Diabetes mellitus was modeled in sexually mature female rats using streptozotocin. Specific area of myocardial stroma and parenchyma, the number of cardiomyocytes, nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, the content of binucleated cells, as well as the content of glycogen in cardiomyocytes were determined on serial histological sections. It has been established that in the experimental rats there is a decrease in the number of cardiac muscle tissue, an increase in the cytoplasmic area of cardiomyocytes and excessive accumulation of glycogen in them. At the same time, the content of bicore cardiomyocytes significantly decreases in comparison with the control group. The results obtained allow us to conclude that experimental maternal type 1 diabetes mellitus has a negative effect on the morphofunctional formation of the contractile apparatus of the offspring heart.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):121-124
pages 121-124 views

Comparative morphological characteristics of the proliferative activity and DNA content in the nuclei of cells of different lung cancer phenotypes

Ermilov V., Bukatin M., Zatyamina M., Barkanova O., Barkanov V., Kolobrodova N., Kuznetsova O., Shcherbakova T., Sokolova A.


The choice of lung cancer treatment method directly depends on the diagnostisc and verification of the histological type of tumor. Important diagnostic criteria are DNA accumulation index and proliferation index of Ki-67. Materials and methods. DNA accumulation index was assessed in 200 cases of lung cancer using a microspectrophotometric method. Ki-67 proliferative index was calculated using immunohistochemical study in histological material with antibodies to Ki-67, Cytokeratin 5/6, TTF-1, Chromogranin A, Synaptophysin, Keratin.Pan, CD56. Results. As the degree of tumor differentiation decreases, DNA accumulation index and Ki-67 proliferative index increase, serving as criteria for the aggressive behavior of the tumor. Conclusions. Correlation analysis revealed a statistically significant relationship between DNA accumulation index and Ki-67 proliferative index (r = 0.987, p < 0.05). The obtained data may be useful for diagnosis and prognosis in patients with lung cancer.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):125-130
pages 125-130 views

Clinical application of ozone therapy, ultrasound and cryotherapy in the treatment of infected and purulent wounds on the background of chronic venous insufficiency

Karapetyan G., Pakhomova R., Kochetova L., Petrushko S.


Research objective: To think up and estimate efficiency of the combined ozonoterapiya at treatment it is long not healing and purulent wounds which have developed against the background of chronic venous insufficiency. Materials and methods: Clinical trial has included 134 patients with chronic venous insufficiency with are long not healing purulent wounds. In a zavisismost from the chosen treatment method patients are divided into three groups. Groups were comparable on a sex, age and weight of defeat of soft fabrics. Assessment of efficiency of treatment was carried out by results of planimetry of wounds, an acid-base condition of a wound and speed of a blood-groove on border of healthy fabric and a wound. Results: On the basis of the conducted researches have proved efficiency of the combined treatment with use of a system and local ozonoterapiya, cryogenic stimulation and ultrasound. The developed algorithm of maintaining patients with chronic venous insufficiency with it is long nekhazhivayushchy wounds, reduces a painful interval to (3,1 ± 0,6) days, accelerates filling of wounds with granulations and emergence of a regional epitalization which appeared to (6,2 ± 1,1) days. The developed technique of a complex ozonoterapiya normalizes blood-groove speed on border of healthy fabric and a wound and restores acid-base balance. Use of a new medical complex reduces stay of patients in a hospital by 17,4 % and reduces disability terms by 12,8 %. Conclusion: At patients with the chronic venous insufficiency complicated it is long not healing infected wounds, use of the new technologies including a local and system ozonoterapiya, cryotherapy and ultrasound is expedient.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):131-136
pages 131-136 views

Fibrosis as a key link in the morphogenesis of extragenital endometriosis

Pechenikova V., Korchinskaya A., Petrovskaya N.


The clinical of extragenital endometriosis is variable and depends on the localization, while the leading manifestation is a pronounced pain syndrome, which in some cases can simulate various surgical pathologies. Materials and methods: A morphological and IHC study was performed in 82 cases of extragenital endometriosis of various localization. Research results: An IHC study showed positive expression of α-SMA in fibrosis foci around and between endometriosis foci. The expression area of TGF-β1 was different for the cytogenic stroma and the perifocally located connective tissue. Conclusions: Fibrosis is an integral component of the morphogenesis of endometrioid heterotopias, while the degree of its severity depends on the duration of the existence of endometriosis foci. Severe pain syndrome is probably associated with deformation of organs and tissues, compression of nerve endings due to fibrosis processes.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):137-141
pages 137-141 views

Comprehensive obstetric injury prevention based on the biological feedback method

Laipanova H., Miroshnikov A., Shatilova Y., Zharkin N.


Perineum injury is an important problem in obstetrics and causes dysfunction of the pelvic floor and prolapse female genital organs. The aim of the work is to reduce the incidence of obstetric injuries by integrated improved method of preparation for childbirth with biological feedback. Materials and research methods: Simple comparative controlled study «case – control» was done in 175 pregnant women in two parallel groups. The main group consisted of 103 patients, trained to control the perineum muscle tone by innovative methodology. The comparison group is made up of 72 pregnant women who have passed standard preparation of a maternity school in a maternity clinic. Results: It was revealed that the perineal muscle tone correlated with high personal and reactive anxiety, which can cause birth injuries. The proposed method reduces the frequency and severity of perineum injuries (15.1 % versus 39.8 %) (OP = 2.6 95 % CI 1.5; 4.5). This makes it possible to recommend to include such method in the mother’s school program.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):142-146
pages 142-146 views

Clinical features of recurrent vulvovaginitis in prepubertal age girls with extragenital diseases

Shchitenko Y., Zhukova N.


The purpose of the study is to investigate the clinical features of recurrent vulvovaginitis in prepubertal age girls with extragenital diseases. We examined 110 girls with recurrent vulvovaginitis, which were registered with the dispensary of pediatric gynecologist. We divided them into three groups depending on extragenital pathology: I group – 38 patients with chronic urinary tract diseases; II – 36 girls with allergic diseases; III – 36 girls with gastrointestinal pathology, enterobiasis. Girls with chronic diseases of the urinary system complain of the pain and discomfort during urination, malaise in the genital area, discharge from the genital tract. Girls with allergic pathology complain of itching and burning in the genital area, restless behavior, dysuric phenomena. Girls with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and enterobiasis complain of discomfort in the genital region, discharge from the genital tract because of constipation and bloating. The results of examination of the external genitalia, vulvoscopy also differed in girls. They depended on the acuty of the inflammatory process and predisposing factor. The clinical features of recurrent vulvovaginitis in prepubertal age girls with extragenital pathology were determined by the data of objective and instrumental examination of vulva.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):147-152
pages 147-152 views

Orientational habits in new spatial environmental conditions during oral administration of the transfer factor in rats

Akhmadiev P., Hismatullina Z., Iskhakov E.


The article is devoted to the study of transfer factor’s influence on the behavior of rats when they are repeatedly placed in “Open field” and “Dark-Light box” apparatuses. Unambigously favorable or deleterious influence was not observed, it can be considered, however, that transfer factor can change a structure of exploratory activity.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):153-156
pages 153-156 views

Prospects for pharmacotherapy of diabetes mellitus using modern approaches to the correction of the gut microbiota

Nurgaleeva E., Linetskaya O., Levina Y., Nurullina T., Rogova N.


The article proposes new strategies for the treatment of obesity-associated diabetes mellitus. The aim of the work was to study the effect of a high-carbohydrate type of nutrition on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the gut microbiota and feces of rats and the possibility of correcting the microbiome with the probiotic drug "Normobakt". Based on the results the gut microflora is proposed as a potential effective therapeutic target for improving the results of the treatment of diabetes mellitus and obesity.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):157-160
pages 157-160 views

Heart rate variability at different emotional intelligence in healthcare workers of PCR laboratories

Shkarin V., Orlov D., Kudrin R., Robertus A.


The ongoing pandemic caused by a new coronavirus infection (SARS-CoV-2) continues to place increased demands on the activities of clinical diagnostic laboratories. Medical personnel involved in this work often experience significant physical and emotional overload associated with being in the "red zone". This study aimed to analyze the state of heart rate variability in medical workers of PCR laboratories with different emotional intelligence when working in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):161-167
pages 161-167 views

Protective effect of a combination of the peptide mimicking the spatial structure of the B erythropoietin chain and infliximab on the epithelium of the nephron tubules in renal ischemia-reperfusion injury

Netrebenko A., Gureev V., Pokrovsky M., Yakushev V., Saprykina E., Zatolokina M.


Purpose: Due to the severe clinical course and the high socio-economic significance of acute kidney injury, the issue of methods for diagnosing and treating this pathology is on the agenda of the scientific community around the world. One of the most specific biomarkers of acute kidney injury is KIM-1. KIM-1 is an apical transmembrane protein of the proximal renal tubule. Elevated levels of KIM-1 in a model of ischemia-reperfusion injury of the kidneys correlate with inflammation and fibrosis in histological studies. The aim of this work was to study the protective effects of a combination of a peptide mimicking the α-helix B of erythropoietin (pHBSP) and infliximab on the epithelium of nephron tubules in ischemia-reperfusion injury of the kidneys. Methods: The experiment was conducted on 80 white laboratory male Wistar rats weighing 280–320 g. Animals were injected with a peptide mimicking the α-helix B of erythropoietin (pHBSP) and infliximab. Under anesthesia, atraumatic vascular clamps were applied to the left renal pedicle for 40 minutes, nephrectomy on the right. Within 12 hours after reperfusion, urine samples were collected for laboratory studies. Results: According to the results of the experiment, it was found that the use of a combination of a peptide mimicking the α-helix B of erythropoietin (pHBSP) and infliximab more effectively protected the epithelium of the nephron tubules from damage during ischemia-reperfusion injury of the kidneys than the administration of a peptide mimicking the α-helix B of erythropoietin or infliximab in mono mode. Conclusion: The results of the study clearly substantiate the prospects for the combined use of a peptide mimicking the α-helix B of erythropoietin (pHBSP) and infliximab to protect the nephron tubule epithelium from ischemia-reperfusion injury.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):168-171
pages 168-171 views

Determination of the frequency of occurrence of functional disorders of the dental system in patients with different psycho-emotional status

Elkanov A., Shavlakova D., Kokayan L.


Dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint have long been the subject of discussions among dentists. Many researchers identify a close relationship between the development of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint and the psychological factor that causes hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles and a pronounced pain symptom. The purpose of this article was to determine the frequency of occurrence of functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint in patients with different psycho-emotional status. Materials and methods: In this work, the primary diagnosis of 237 patients aged 20 to 29 years was carried out. A survey and clinical examination of the examined patients was conducted for the presence of anomalies and deformities of the dental system, pathological erasability of hard tissues of teeth, bruxism, musculoskeletal dysfunctions. Functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint were assessed using the “Hamburg test”. The psychoemotional status of patients was assessed using the clinical questionnaire of neurotic states by K.K. Yakhin, D.M. Mendelevich. Results: Among the examined patients, temporomandibular joint dysfunction in patients with anxiety and depression was much more common than in patients with stable psychological status, (28.3 ± 2.9) and (4.2 ± 1.3) % respectively. A statistically significant relationship between the development of temporomandibular joint pathologies and the psychoemotional status of the patient was revealed. Conclusion: Thus, anxiety and depressive states should be taken into account as a risk factor for the development of functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):172-176
pages 172-176 views

Guide for General Practitioners

Giardiasis as a cause of acute urticaria (case study)

Sagitova G., Antonova A., Davydova O., Ledyaev M., Komar A.


The article describes a clinical case of acute urticaria against the background of a parasitic infection in a child who was examined and treated in the pediatric department of the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of JSC "Children’s Hospital No. 1". The description of this clinical case shows the ambiguity of the search for verification of the diagnosis.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):177-180
pages 177-180 views

Coronavirus infection (COVID-19): clinical case of a severe disease in a newborn

Karpukhina O., Kramar L., Arova A., Larina T.


The article presents a single clinical case of a severe coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in a newborn. Clinical and laboratory examination and treatment of the patient were carried out in accordance with the guidelines for the treatment of coronavirus infection in children. On the third day of hospitalization neonatal death occurred due to the development of multiple organ failure despite the medical therapy. An autopsy revealed diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) of the type of adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) accompanied by bilateral polysegmental pneumonia and systemic inflammatory response syndrome.

Journal of Volgograd State Medical University. 2023;20(2):181-184
pages 181-184 views

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