Contradictions of the migration relations system: Research methodology

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Introduction. Modern conditions in the sphere of international relations are characterized by the growth of global instability, confrontation and competition of world powers, the conduct of hostilities during the special military operation in Ukraine caused by the need to protect the national and state interests of Russia. In the sphere of migration relations for Russia, these conditions are reflected both in the mass “anti-war” emigration from Russia and in the large-scale influx of refugees from the war-torn territories of Ukraine. All this has actualized the problem of migration relations, including their regulation in the process of implementing migration policy. The need to regulate the current migration situation makes it necessary to identify migration contradictions and find adequate forms of resolving these contradictions. Theoretical analysis. The article proposes a methodology for studying the contradictions of the migration relations system, based on the unity of systemic and dialectical methods. Consideration of migration relations as a system consisting of political, legal, economic, psychological, cultural, ethical and other relations made it possible to define the migration relations’ contradiction object, which lies in the population’s territorial displacement, and to characterize the subjects and objects of contradictions in relation to each specific element of the migration relations system. The application of a categorical approach to the study of migration causes and consequences allowed us to show the specific features of various categories of migrants, including forced migrants, political and ideological emigrants, labor migrants. Results. The study of the migration relations system contradictions in relation to each element and to each level of this system allowed us to come to the conclusion that, due to the interdisciplinarity of the problem, finding adequate forms of resolving the contradictions of this system in the process of developing and implementing migration policy involves consolidating the eff orts of various social science representatives and those of all the migration relations system elements’ subjects, of civil society institutions and public authorities at all levels.

About the authors

Nadezhda Sergeevna Zemlyanukhina

Saratov State University

410028, Russia, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya str., 83

Svetlana Georgievna Zemlyanuhina

Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu. A.

77, Politechnicheskaya str., Saratov, 410054, Russia

Victoria Vasilievna Suvorova

Balakovo of Engineering and Technology Institute branch of National Research Nuclear University MEPHI

ORCID iD: 0009-0006-1683-1062
140 Chapaev St., Balakovo 413853, Saratov region, Russia


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