卷 6, 编号 1 (2012)


Ultrasound in anesthesilogical practice - exclusive or routine?

Zabolotskiy D., Ulrikh G., Malashenko N., Kulev A.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2012;6(1):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Smoking as a risk factor of intraoperative nausea and vomiting in parturients undergone cesarean section under spinal anesthesia

Pogodin A., Shifman E.


The goal of retrospective clinical study was to search and evaluate association between smoking and intraoperative nausea and vomiting (IONV) in parturients undergone cesarean section (CS) under spinal anesthesia (SA). One hundred thirty five women were enrolled. The group of smokers includes 21 patients while the group of non-smokers - 114 patients. Demographic and obstetric data has no statistically significant difference between the groups. IONV episodes occurred in 22 cases in both groups totally. Relative risk of IONV in smoking group was equaled 1,21 95%CI 0,45 to 3,21. This result suggests that there is no statistically and clinically significant difference in IONV incidence between smoking and non-smoking groups.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2012;6(1):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Effect of magnesium sulfate infusion in combination with the nerves blockade and ketorolac in the postoperative period in elderly patients after hip surgery

Ezhevskaya A., Prusakova Z., Zagrekov V., Ovechkin A.


The goal of the study was to evaluate the effect of magnesium sulfate infusion on postoperative analgesia in elderly patients after surgery on hip joint combined with lumbar plexus blockade with 0.1% solution of ropivacaine and ketorolac. The study included 57 patients distributed into 2 groups depending on the method of postoperative analgesia. All operations were performed under spinal anesthesia. All patients received peripheral neural blockade of the lumbar plexus with solution of 0.1% ropivacaine and ketorolac after surgery. In Group 1 patients (n=27) received I.V. infusion of magnesium sulfate during and after surgery. The results showed that magnesium sulfate added to regional analgesia and ketorolac significantly reduces postoperative pain, need of narcotics administration and anxiety of patients without significant complications.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2012;6(1):15-20
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Optimization of sedation depth in trauma patient undergone surgery under regional anesthesia

Lozenko S., Pasechnik I., Gubaidullin R., Skobelev E.


Efficacy and safety of clinical and electrophysiological methods of assessment of sedation depth were studied in 133 trauma patients undergone surgery under spinal anesthesia. Results of the study suggest that clinical methods of assessment of sedation depth are less informative comparing with auditory evoked potential monitor. Optimal depth of sedation corresponds to auditory evoked potential index equaled to 30-32. Performing of sedation under control of auditory evoked potential monitor leads to decrease of total hypnotic dose and frequency of postoperative cognitive dysfunction.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2012;6(1):21-27
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The effect of epidural analgesia on clinical course of postoperative period in patients undergone abdominal surgery

Koryachkin V., Kovalev S., Lovchev A., Nikitskaya E.


The goal of the study was clinical assessing of postoperative period under epidural analgesia in patient undergone abdominal surgery. The retrospective study included 426 medical records. All patients were distributed into 2 groups depending on anesthesia. Intraoperative epidural anesthesia was performed in patients of exposed group. The results found out the decrease of complication incidence in cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and other organs. The main result of the study suggests decrease of mortality in patients received intraoperative epidural analgesia.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2012;6(1):28-31
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Clinical pathophysiology and anatomy of acute pain

Ovechkin A.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2012;6(1):32-40
pages 32-40 views

Perioperative fasting in adults and children: guidelines from the European Society of Anaesthesiology

Smith I., Kranke P., Murat I., Smith A., O’Sullivan G., Soreide E., Spies C., In’t Veld B.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2012;6(1):41-59
pages 41-59 views

Ketorolac for postoperative analgesia

Kokoev E.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 2012;6(1):60-62
pages 60-62 views
