Optimization of sedation depth in trauma patient undergone surgery under regional anesthesia

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Efficacy and safety of clinical and electrophysiological methods of assessment of sedation depth were studied in 133 trauma patients undergone surgery under spinal anesthesia. Results of the study suggest that clinical methods of assessment of sedation depth are less informative comparing with auditory evoked potential monitor. Optimal depth of sedation corresponds to auditory evoked potential index equaled to 30-32. Performing of sedation under control of auditory evoked potential monitor leads to decrease of total hypnotic dose and frequency of postoperative cognitive dysfunction.

About the authors

S. P. Lozenko

FSBI “Educational-Scientific Medical Center" of Administration of President of RF

I. N. Pasechnik

FSBI “Educational-Scientific Medical Center" of Administration of President of RF

R. R. Gubaidullin

FSBI “Clinical Hospital" of Administration of President of RF

E. I. Skobelev

FSBI “Educational-Scientific Medical Center" of Administration of President of RF


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