Continuous epidural block in complex intensive therapy of severe acute pancreatitis




The prospective study included 220 patients with severe acute pancreatitis. From this group 105 individuals received continuous epidural blockade (EB) with 0.2% ropivacain solution for 3-7 days. The rest of patients were enrolled into control group. Continuous EB promoted the decrease of intra-abdomenal pressure and allowed introducing the enteral nutrition 2-3 days earlier. Patients from EB group have less lung complications comparing with control group. Total incidence of purulent intra-abdomenal complications was 20,0% in EB group while in control group - 51,3%. The EB conducting contributed into decrease of period of staying in intensive care unit and in hospital as a whole. The incidence of mortality was 11,4% in EB group while in control group it was 15,6%. We concluded that performing of continuous epidural block at early stage of severe acute pancreatitis as an intensive therapy component results in decreasing of frequency of life-threatening complications and mortality.


Valeriy Frolkov

SBIH City clinical hospital #23 “MedSanTrud”

109240, Moscow

M. Krasnosel’skiy

SBEI “I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University” of MHC of RF

119991, Moscow

A. Ovechkin

SBEI “I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University” of MHC of RF

119991, Moscow


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