Nerve block anesthesia in gerontologic patients with purulent-necrotic lesions of the foot

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Regional anesthesia was performed in 278 patients with feet gangrene. The nerve block was performed using ultrasound navigation and neurostimulation. The results of regional anesthesia and spinal anesthesia were compared in economic and clinical conditions (quality of analgesia), oxygenation and microcirculation levels were also assessed. As a result the last two were practically the same in the compared groups, bur the painless rate was higher in regional anesthesia group, so as the last one is cheaper. It's used to be mentioned, that patients after regional anesthesia being performed were active since 30 minutes after leaving the operation room, but analgesia was stable in next 12 hours.

About the authors

Andrey A. Fomin

Yaroslavl’ Regional Hospital №7

MD, PhD, The Head of Department of purulent surgery and diabetic foot 150034, Yaroslavl’

U. V Novikov

Yaroslavl’ State Medical University under MH RF

150000, Yaroslavl’

D. R Pershakov

Yaroslavl’ Regional Hospital №7

150034, Yaroslavl’

D. V Vozgrin

Yaroslavl’ Regional Hospital №7

150034, Yaroslavl’


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