Postoperative analgesia in children. What standards should we use?

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The lecture devoted to analgesia in pediatrics. Various techniques for assessment of pain intensity in children are proposed. Thee authors consider different pathogenetic types of pain and corresponding approaches to its management, describe current analgesic drugs, conditions and schemes for applying them in pediatrics. Regial anesthesia has its distinct place in pain management, provides high level of postoperative analgesia and decreases stress-reply in newborns and children. Complications following regional blockades in children are rare that allow speaking about adequate safety of these methods. The lecture covers the questions concerned characteristics, indications and complications of regional blocks in children. The expertise of pain, understanding of drug pharmacology and particularities of children of different age are the base for pain management in postoperative period.

About the authors

Gleb E. Ul’rikh

SBEI “Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University” of MHC of RF

194100, Saint-Petersburg

D. V Zabolotskiy

SBEI “Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University” of MHC of RF

194100, Saint-Petersburg


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