Two-level brachial plexus block for operations on proximal parts of upper extremity in patient over 70 years old

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The goal of the study was to determine the efficacy and safety of two-level brachial plexus blockade in patients over 70 years old undergoing operations on proximal parts of upper extremity. The study included 34 patients (operation on trauma of shoulder joint, upper and middle third shoulder)/ Patients were divided into 2 groups. Two-level brachial plexus block was performed in study group: interscalene block was combined with supraclavicular and sub clavicular blockade, the block of superficial cervical plexus and intercostal brachial nerve was also performed. One-level block of brachial plexus (interscalene block and supraclavicular) in combination with block of superficial cervical plexus and intercostal brachial nerve was performed in control group. Visual analog scale (YAS) was used to assess pain level. The following characteristics were taken in account: patient's satisfaction of anesthesia and analgesia, the number of inadequate blocks and complications. Results: two-level brachial plexus blockade performed for surgery on proximal parts of upper extremity is more reliable, provides better quality of anesthesia and postoperative analgesia and doesn't increase complications incidence.

About the authors

V. B. Dubinenkov

N. V. Soloviev Clinical emergency hospital


P. A. Lyuboshevskiy

Yaroslavl’ State Medical Academy, Ministry of Healthcare


S. V. Larionov

Yaroslavl’ State Medical Academy, Ministry of Healthcare



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