Effect of anesthesia on neurological status of newborn in abdominal delivery

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The effect of anesthesia technique on neurological and hormonal status of newborns during surgical delivery was assessed in this study. All parturients undergone cesarean section were stratified into two comparable groups depending on the method of anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia was performed for patients in the first group (n=62) and total intravenous anesthesia was provided for patients in the second group (n=60). Glucose concentrations and cortisol levels in umbilical cord serum of newborns were studied. We found out that spinal anesthesia has no adverse effects on neurological status of newborns. The study results suggest that labour process that newborns experience under spinal anesthesia has beneficial effect on early adaptation course.

About the authors

O. V. Riazanova

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy

Yu. S. Alexandrovich

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy

K. V Pshenisnov

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy


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