Perioperative changes aminoterminal fragment of brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in elderly patients operated on under general and spinal anesthesia

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Natriuretic peptide and NT-proBNP is widely used to predict perioperative cardiac complications. In 62 elderly patients with concomitant cardiovascular disease were performent open prostatectomy surgery. In 32 patients had general anesthesia, 30 - spinal anesthesia. In the early postoperative period in the group with spinal anesthesia, recorded an increase in NT-proBNP more than 2 times. Regression of spinal block creates conditions for volume overload in patients with concomitant cardiovascular disease. Laboratory monitoring of NT-proBNP in the perioperative period in patients with concomitant cardiovascular disease can help indentify patients with preclinical form of heart failure and conduct timely corrective therapy.

About the authors

S. I. Sitkin

Tver state medical academy

I. K. Drugova

Tver state medical academy

E. S. Mazur

Tver state medical academy


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