Effect of various anesthesia methods on surgical treatment outcomes in patients with proximal femur fracture: a narrative review

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Fractures of the proximal femur (FPF) is an unclassified condition that involves fractures of the femoral head and femoral neck and transvertebral, intervertebral, and subvertebral femoral fractures. To date, the number of patients with FPF in Russia is continuously increasing. Most often, patients with FPF have several concomitant diseases that can have a noticeable effect on the choice of anesthesia method. This review aimed to analyze current literature data on the advantages, risks, and contraindications of traditional and novel approaches to anesthesia in surgeries for FPF and assess the impact of these approaches on postoperative outcomes. A search for publications in the electronic databases PubMed and eLibrary was conducted. It revealed 6 324 publications in PubMed and 520 in eLibrary. After selecting publications, 60 studies meeting the inclusion criteria were included in the review. Studies have shown that regional blockades are highly effective; however, the evidence requires additional confirmation. New local anesthesia methods, such as MAC-STILA, can reduce mortality, especially in patients with a burdened medical history. Although the results of the single-center pilot studies of MAC-STILA are promising, multicenter randomized trials are required to test the reproducibility of this approach and evaluate its effectiveness with respect to outcomes that are crucial for the elderly and their family members.

About the authors

Darya S. Teterina

Rostov State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: secretplace@internet.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0009-8963-9276
SPIN-code: 7755-9127

department assistant

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

Valeria M. Silantyeva

Rostov State Medical University

Email: lerka2001sil@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0008-5806-0723

medical resident

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

Ansel R. Sakhibullin

Kazan State Medical University

Email: sakhibullin.ansel@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0009-0008-8702-5986

department assistant

Russian Federation, Kazan

Dmitriy S. Petrov

Georgievsky Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute

Email: Petroff1810@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0009-0031-1419
SPIN-code: 2793-9630


Russian Federation, Simferopol

Anna O. Dymkova

Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

Email: dyimkova2000@list.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0008-1957-7519


Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk

Muhammed R. Medzhidov

Rostov State Medical University

Email: medzhidov012001@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2024-6505
SPIN-code: 4041-2171


Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

Yulia M. Korneeva

Smolensk State Medical University

Email: cool.urda@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0009-8406-9200
SPIN-code: 7024-9353


Russian Federation, Smolensk

Yana A. Khachaturova

Samara State Medical University

Email: hacaturovaana3@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0009-0002-4701-4912
SPIN-code: 5218-8949


Russian Federation, Samara

Sofia M. Menyailo

Astrakhan State Medical University

Email: sofiameniailo@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0000-3563-8432
SPIN-code: 7635-4745


Russian Federation, Astrakhan

Ksenia I. Abramova

Georgievsky Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute

Email: ksuha4258@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3535-6870
SPIN-code: 4687-0813


Russian Federation, Simferopol

Bakhrombek U. Babaev

Russian University of Medicine

Email: babaevbaha97@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0009-0006-8360-3481


Russian Federation, Moscow

Yulia S. Bychenkova

Stavropol State Medical University

Email: y.bychenkova_2001@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0002-4625-181X


Russian Federation, Stavropol

Valeriya V. Chzhan-Zou-Min

Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University

Email: valeeryyy1999@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0009-0004-6821-4571


Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

Olga S. Grabko

Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University

Email: grabko-olya@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0005-3774-5238
SPIN-code: 1390-0475


Russian Federation, St. Petersburg


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