


Purpose. This research is to evaluate patients with retinoblastoma, who receive chemotherapy, with Spectralis optical coherence tomography with enhanced depth imaging to compare the signs of chorioretinopathy and maculopathy. Material and methods. 74 patients were examined and treated, 125 eyes with retinoblastoma in age at average of 24 ± 1.6 months. Group 1 - 31 patients, 62 eyes after intravenous chemotherapy, 2 - 24 patients, 25 eyes after intravenous and superselective intraarterial or intravitreal chemotherapy. Group 3 (control) - 19 patients (38 eyes) with primary retinoblastoma. The condition of the retina, choroid and macula was assessed using Ret Cam II and Spectralis optical coherence tomography with enhanced depth imaging. All patients had complete tumor resorption after treatment. Results. In group 1, after 3 courses of chemotherapy Spectralis optical coherence tomography with enhanced depth imaging showed a decrease of caliber of retinal vessels; wavelength of photoreceptors, hyperreflective round foci and calcinates in the retinal pigment epithelium; choriocapillary hyperreflexivity, choroid thinning; in the sclera - hyperreflective foci with visualization of the scleral vessels. In the macula - disorganization of retinal pigment epithelium, cystic edema, smoothness of the papillomacular bundle, coracoid form of the fovea, retinal thickening. After 3 courses of systemic chemotherapy and superselective intraarterial chemotherapy (group 2) - peritumoral increase in the caliber of retinal vessels. After systemic superselective intraarterial and intravitreal chemotherapy (group 2) - epiretinal membranes, punctate hyperreflective foci in the inner layers of the retina. In group 3 (control), before treatment, a normal anatomical and topographic state of the macula was observed with extracentral localization of retinoblastoma. Conclusions. Profound morphometric disturbances that come with combined chemotherapy (intravenous, superselective intraarterial and intravitreal chemotherapy treatments) call for a more careful treatment with methods selected in terms of Spectralis optical coherence tomography with enhanced depth imaging findings and specific chemotherapy contraindications.


S. Saakyan

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases Russian Ministry of Health

105062, Moscow, Russian Federation

Elena Myakoshina

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases Russian Ministry of Health

PhD, researcher at the Department of Radiology and ophthalmooncology, Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases 105062, Moscow, Russian Federation

V. Polyakov

«N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center»

Moscow, 115211, Russian Federation

T. Ushakova

«N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center»

Moscow, 115211, Russian Federation

D. Ismailova

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases Russian Ministry of Health

105062, Moscow, Russian Federation


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