Dynamics of the incidence of retinoblastoma in children in Kuzbass




We studied the dynamics of the retinoblastoma incidence in children of the Kemerovo region. There is a tendency to increased morbidity, including bilateral form. During the thirty-year period (1984-2013) the incidence rate in the region increased from 4,02 in the first study period (1984-1993) to 8,50 in the third period (2004-2013) per 100 thousand newborn babies. The frequency of such cases in the last decade was 1 to 11999 newborns. In the first decade of research bilateral lesion was observed in 16,7% of all cases, in the third - 41,4%. Gender ratio for the entire study period was as follows: boys - 55,2%, girls - 44,8%. In the age aspect the children of the first year of life were leading - 48,28%. Retinoblastoma had been diagnosed before the age of three years in 91,38 % of patients.


Tatiana Yanchenko

Kemerovo Regional Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital

Email: tanyavrach65@yandex.ru
650066, Kemerovo, Russia

Elena Gromakina

Kemerovo State Medical Academy

Email: gromakin1959@mail.ru
650029, Kemerovo, Russia


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