Retinopathy of prematurity: the course and results of treatment in children with gestational age less than 27 weeks




In the article we present the results of ophthalmologic observation of 90 preterm infants with gestational age less than 27 weeks who were nursing in the neonatal center "Children's city hospital №1" in St. Petersburg. Average birthbody weight was 793,8±210 g, the average gestational age was 24,9±2,1 weeks. We determined the course of retinopathy of prematurity among the surveyed children: high frequency of occurrence (99%) and disease progression to severe forms (42,2%), including the development of aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity in 34,2% of cases; low frequency (56%) spontaneous regression of the initial stages compared with newborns with gestational age of 27-32 weeks (90%). Indications for laser photocoagulation of the retina had 42,2% of patients, the frequency of repeated interventions was 42.1%. Retinopathy of prematurity adverse outcome, characterized by the development of IV-V stages detected in 3,3% of cases. The efficiency of laser photocoagulation is 92,1%.


El'vira Saydasheva

HPE «I.I. Mechnikov North-Western state medical University" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Public Health Facility "Children's city hospital №1"

Pediatric ophthalmology department SBEI 198205, St. Petersburg, Russia

Yu. Gorelik

Public Health Facility "Children's city hospital №1"

198205, St. Petersburg, Russia

S. Buyanovskaya

HPE «I.I. Mechnikov North-Western state medical University" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Public Health Facility "Children's city hospital №1"

Pediatric ophthalmology department SBEI 198205, St. Petersburg, Russia

F. Kovshov

HPE «I.I. Mechnikov North-Western state medical University" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Public Health Facility "Children's city hospital №1"

Pediatric ophthalmology department SBEI 198205, St. Petersburg, Russia


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