Inhalational and retrobulbar anesthesia in children with retinal detachment




The conducted research covered the analysis of anesthetic support during 72 surgical operations of 52 children with retinal detachment. A comparison of two groups - basic (38 anesthesia) and control (34 narcosis) has been made. In both groups, premedikation and induction were the same. The anesthetic support was administered through the inhalation of oxygen, nitrous oxide and sevoflurane, and intravenous bolus dosing of propofol. Central analgesia was maintained through fractional intravenous injection of fentanyl. Laryngeal mask was used for airway management.In the main group at the request of the anesthesiologist, ophthalmosurgeon administered retro-bulbar anesthesia solutionof 0.75% naropin. Heart rate, ASIST, Addict, BPA, ECG had been controlled intraoperatively. Hemodynamic parameters in the main group during the operation were stable. However, in traumatic moment (endolasecoagulationof retina) tachycardia was observed with the patients of the control group. There were no any complications of combined analgesia. Re-introduction of naropin at the end of the operation led to decrease of pain syndrome and allowed to refuse the use of analgesics in the postoperative period in most children.Thus, the use of combination inhalation-retrobulbar anesthesia with the use of naropin of 0,75% gives sufficient depth of anesthesia and expands the number of pain medications in anesthetic support in children with eye conditions.


Lyudmila Korobova

The State Department of Health Municipal clinical hospital for children named after Morozov

119049, Moscow, Russia

E. Arestova

The State Department of Health Municipal clinical hospital for children named after Morozov

119049, Moscow, Russia

Evgeniy Poduskov

The State Department of Health Municipal clinical hospital for children named after Morozov

119049, Moscow, Russia

O. Legostaeva

The State Department of Health Municipal clinical hospital for children named after Morozov

119049, Moscow, Russia

Larisa Balashova

«N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University», Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

117997, Moscow, Russia


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