The results of the treatment of refractive amblyopia with the help of the “Amblyocation” computer program




The present study included 12 children at the age from 6 to 9 (mean 8,7 ± 1,14) years presenting with refractive amblyopia of differing severity who were treated with the use of the“Amblyocation” computer program (U. Kampf and co-workers, 1995). We evaluated the acuity of vision before and after correction as well as the spatial contrast sensitivity to red, green, blue, and white colours. The analysis of the data obtained has demonstrated a various degree of the improvement of both corrected and uncorrected visual acuity while spatial contrast sensitivity to green colourimproved in all the patients, to red colour in 90% of them, to white and blue colours in 91.6% and 58.3% respectively. It is concluded that the proposed “Amblyocation” system for the eye exercises can be effectively used as an additional tool for the treatment of children presenting with refractive amblyopia of different severity. One of the advantages of this program is the possibility of treatment at home via the Internet with the use of the computer-based program and the interactive platform allowing to control and document the compliance of the patients with the physician’s prescriptions.


M. Bikbov

State budgetary institution “Ufimsky Research Institute of Eye Diseases”, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan

450092, Ufa, Russian Federation

G. Zainutdinova

State budgetary institution “Ufimsky Research Institute of Eye Diseases”, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan

450092, Ufa, Russian Federation

Kseniya Kudoyarova

State budgetary institution “Ufimsky Research Institute of Eye Diseases”, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan

450092, Ufa, Russian Federation

E. Luk’yanova

State budgetary institution “Ufimsky Research Institute of Eye Diseases”, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan

450092, Ufa, Russian Federation

U. Kampf

“Caterna” Ltd.

Dresden, Germany


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