Clinical and functional eye’s parameters in extremely low birth weight patients with retinopathy of prematurity




The article presents the results of comprehensive ophthalmological study of 50premature children (100 eyes), gestational age less than 27 weeks.Follow-up observation (during 5-16 years after active retinopathy of prematurity) revealed a number of clinical, structural and functional features of regressive/cicatricial retinopathy of prematurity; this fact reflects the degree of incomplete retina formation and severity of retinopathy of prematurity. These features include the residual avascular areas and vascular anastomosis in the peripheral retina (80%), retinal vessels displacement and traction in the nasal side of the retina (20%). Furthermore, the analyses of the total electroretinogramshowed a reduction of the photoreceptors’ functional activity in comparison with themature infants.In 60% of children we observed the macula differentiation defects (according to the optical coherence tomography) and significantdepression of the central retina bioelectric activity (with preference of cone system).This fact can be thecauseof the vision loss. The presence of comorbidity and refractive errors (88.5%), including high myopia (30.4%), determine the necessity of thedifferentiated approach,forehanded and adequate treatment.The high risk of the late complications (23%) requires lifelong preventive medical examination and rehabilitation of these patients.


Ludmila Kogoleva

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

старший научный сотрудник отдела патологии глаз у детей 105062, Moscow, Russia


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