


The subjective and objective parameters of habitually-excessive accommodation strain (HEAS) were estimated in 130 patients at the age varying from 6 to 18 (mean 11.26 ± 0.2) years presenting with myopia of different severity. The patients were divided into 3 groups depending on the difference between subjectively assessed refraction (using the corrective glass) and objective cycloplegic refraction. It was shown that the enhancement of the subjective non-cycloplegic refraction compared with the objective cycloplegic one by more than 0.5 dioptres is accompanied by the highest rate of myopia progression, significantly higher values of accommodation strain (resting accommodation strain), habitual accommodation strain, open-field habitual accommodation strain), and accommodation deficiency (the reduction of all subjective and objective characteristics of accommodation performance). The results of the study give reason to consider habitual accommodation strain, i.e. the difference between manifest and cycloplegic refraction of more than 0.5 dioptres, as the diagnostic criterion for habitually-excessive accommodation strain (HEAS). This difference is possible to calculate from the comparison of cycloplegic refraction and the pre-cycloplegic refraction obtained by means of subjective correction or based on the readings of one and the same autorefractomer or from the data of remotometry.


E. Tarutta

Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases

д-р мед. наук, рук. отд. патологии рефракции, бинокулярного зрения и офтальмоэргономики

N. Tarasova

Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases

офтальмолог отд. патологии рефракции, бинокулярного зрения и офтальмоэргономики


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