


The study of peculiarities of the course and results of the treatment of uveitis in Behcet's disease in 4 children and the analysis of literature were conducted. Rare manifestation of Behcet's disease in childhood and differences of clinical implications in children and adults were observed, causing difficulties in making timely diagnosis. More severe course of uveitis in Behcet's disease was observed in children than in adults, resulting in the rapid development of wide range of complications in the absence of adequate therapy. The necessity of early and active anti-inflammatory treatment of uveitis in Behcet's disease was proved; the efficacy of TNF-α inhibitors in refractory uveitis was established. It was demonstrated that early diagnosis and effective treatment can prevent serious complications and preserve good vision in majority of children.


L. Katargina

Federal state budgetary institution «Moscow Helmholtz Institute of Ophthalmology», Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

E. Denisova

Federal state budgetary institution «Moscow Helmholtz Institute of Ophthalmology», Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

A. Starikova

Federal state budgetary institution «Moscow Helmholtz Institute of Ophthalmology», Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

N. Gvozdyuk

Federal state budgetary institution «Moscow Helmholtz Institute of Ophthalmology», Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

N. Lyubimova

Federal state budgetary institution «Moscow Helmholtz Institute of Ophthalmology», Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


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