


The assessment of clinical efficiency of local application of Levofloxacin 0.5% in eye drops in treatment of inflammatory diseases in children was performed and cytotoxicity of the medication was studied. The authors examined 34 children (62 eyes) with various inflammatory diseases of the organ of vision. It was shown that the terms of complete regression of the disease symptoms were observed at the period from 5-6 to 18-19 days depending on the nosologic form. Taking into account a wide spectrum of drug action and clinical efficiency of Levofloxacin, the absence of clinically pronounced effects and low keratotoxicity of the medication, instillation form of Levofloxacin 0.5% (Oftaquix(r), Santen) can be recommended for wide application as empiric therapy in children at the age of the 1st year of life with inflammatory eye diseases.


E Sidorenko

РГМУ, Москва

д-р мед. наук, проф. член-корр. РАМН; РГМУ, Москва

E Markova

РГМУ, Москва

д-р мед. наук; РГМУ, Москва

A Matveyev

РГМУ, Москва

аспирант; РГМУ, Москва

A Zakharchenko

Морозовская детская клиническая больница

Морозовская детская клиническая больница


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