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Purpose. The study of the frequency and structure of complications in IV-V degree of retinopathy of prematurity and the development of tactics for their prevention and treatment. Material and methods. A total of 134 patients (268 eyes) with IV-V degree of cicatricial retinopathy of premature infants aged 6 months - 17 years were examined. In addition to the standard ophthalmological examination, ultrasound methods were used: biometrics, echography, biomicroscopy. Results. Late complications were detected on 153 (57,1%) from 268 eyes with IV-V degrees of cicatrical ROP. The main types of complications were: flat anterior chamber, corneal and lens opacities, secondary glaucoma, progressive phthisis bulbi. Conclusions. All patients with cicatricial ROP require constant follow-up and differentiated tactics of prevention and treatment of late complications.

About the authors

L. V Kogoleva

The Helmholtz MoscowResearch Institute of Eye Diseases, Russian Ministry of Health

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Moscow, 105062, Russian Federation Moscow, 105062, Russian Federation

L. A Katargina

The Helmholtz MoscowResearch Institute of Eye Diseases, Russian Ministry of Health

Moscow, 105062, Russian Federation

N. N Arestova

The Helmholtz MoscowResearch Institute of Eye Diseases, Russian Ministry of Health

Moscow, 105062, Russian Federation

E. V Mazanova

The Helmholtz MoscowResearch Institute of Eye Diseases, Russian Ministry of Health

Moscow, 105062, Russian Federation

T. V Sudovskaya

The Helmholtz MoscowResearch Institute of Eye Diseases, Russian Ministry of Health

Moscow, 105062, Russian Federation


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