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Purpose. To compare the wave front aberrations and their changes under the action of cycloplegia in eyes with myopia and hyperopia. Material and methods. We examined 46 patients: 20 (39 eyes) with myopic (average -5.2±1.5 D) and 26 patients (53 eyes) with hyperopic refraction (mean refraction +3,1±1,15 D) aged 5 - 17 years (average 11.6±0.6 years). All the patients underwent aberrometry in a darkened room before and after medical cycloplegia (instillations of 1% cyclopentolate dihydrochloride twice, with an interval of 10 minutes, aberrometry in 40 minutes after the first instillation) with the aberrometer divice OPD-ScanIII, Nidek. Result. Significant differences: horizontal trefoil (C8) and horizontal coma (C7) before cycloplegia in myopia was significantly higher, and their changes under cycloplegia significantly lower or absent. The difference of these aberrations, with are associated with the dislocation of the crystalline lens, decentration of the optical elements of the eye, provides the evidence of weak zonular tension in the eyes with myopia. The method of assessing zonular on the dynamics of the polynomias C8 and C7 in the background of cycloplegia was developed. Conclusion. The developed method of indirect assessment of the condition of the zonular lens according to the comparative aberrometry before and after cycloplegia recommended for prognosis of postnatal refraktogenesis and evaluation of progressive myopia treatment effectiveness.

About the authors

E. P Tarutta

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

105062, Russian Federation

S. G Harutunayn

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

105062, Russian Federation

Natalia Alexeevna Tarasova

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Email: tar221@yandex.ru
senior researcher of the department of refraction pathology, binocular vision and ophthalmoergonomics, The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Moscow, 105062, Russian Federation. 105062, Russian Federation

A. T Khandzhyan

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

105062, Russian Federation

N. V Khodzhabekyan

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

105062, Russian Federation


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