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Purpose. The objective of the present study was to analyse the demographic situation in the Altai region with special reference to the survival rate among the newborn infants and the influence of neonatal mortality on the demographic characteristics of the population. Material and methods. We undertook the statistical analysis of the Altai region demographic yearbook for the last 11 years (from 2005 to 2016). Results and conclusions. The study has demonstrated the steady decline (between 46% and 43.8%) in the population of the Altai region (mostly in the rural areas) during the period from 2006 to 2016. Despite the decline of the total population, there has been a tendency toward the growth of the children’s population (apparent since 2011) that increased by 28.997 persons. The relatively stable birth rate is associated with the increased number of the premature babies in the neonatal population structure including the infants with the extremely low body weight (from 56 born in 2008 to 88 in 2015). Simultaneously, there has been a significant reduction in the infant mortality rate within the first 168 hours after birth. Conclusion. Optimization of the system for monitoring and treatment of premature infants at risk of retinopathy of prematurity in the Altai region characterized by low population density and non-uniform distribution is the urgent challenging necessity.

About the authors

Vladimir Il’ich Lebedev

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Altai State Medical University”, Russian Ministry of Health

chief non-resident specialist - pediatric ophthalmologist for the Siberian Federal District and the Ministry of Health of the Altai territory, the assistant for the course of ophthalmology at the Department of specialized surgery in urology, traumatology, and ophthalmology, Altai State Medical University, head of Department of Microsurgery, state budgetary healthcare facility “Altai Regional Ophthalmological Hospital” 656906, Barnaul, Russian Federation


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