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Objective. To study a method of prophylaxis of retinopathy at the stage of nursing of premature baby and evaluate the results. Material and methods. This method has been applied during the year on the basis of the Perinatal center of the Rostov region and the ophthalmic branch of the Rostov regional children’s clinical hospital. For this study were selected two groups of patients 50 children (100 eyes) from 26.5 to 36 weeks gestational age (GW) and with birth weight from 650 to 2650 grams. All the children were divided into two groups - study and control of 25 children (50 eyes) each. In the main group since birth to full maturation of the retina or regression of the disease after surgical laser treatment used safety glasses. Results. Preliminary data showed that the application of protective red glasses while observing the basic rules of nursing preterm infants, reduced the development of PH 16% and the need for laser treatment by 20%. Conclusions. Occlumeny sitefinity method is the first method of ophthalmic prevention of occurrence and development of retinopathy of prematurity, keeping the retina intact, allowing it to develop in light conditions close to natural in utero from the moment of premature to the natural time of birth of the child.

About the authors

A. N Epikhin

Rostov state medical University Ministry of Health

Rostov-on-don, 344022, Russian Federation

Yu. N Epikhina

Rostov state medical University Ministry of Health

Rostov-on-don, 344022, Russian Federation

O. A Ushnikova

Regional children’s clinical hospital

ophthalmologist, State budgetary institution of Rostov region “Regional children’s clinical hospital”, Rostov on Don, 344015, Russian Federation Rostov on Don, 344015, Russian Federation

A. N Ushnikov

Regional children’s clinical hospital

Rostov on Don, 344015, Russian Federation


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