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Introduction. During the recent years, the overall structure of eye injuries in the children has been characterized by a significant proportion of damages inflicted by “plastic bullets” fired from a toy weapon. Biomechanics of “plastic bullets” syndrome has not been described in sufficient detail. Aim. The purpose of the present study was to determine the force of impact of the plastic bullets on the eyeball and the degree of elevation of intraocular pressure in the injured eyes. Material and methods. A “Chron-1” ballistic chronograph was used throughout the study. Moreover, we designed the original device that allows to make the necessary measurements in the simple and precise manner. Its application enabled us to measure the speed of the plastic bullets covering the distances much greater than it was possible to determine with the help of the ordinary ballistic chronographs. Results. The calculated data were compared with the clinical symptoms of this type of eyeball contusions in 55 children. The inflicted changes in their eyes observed in the experiments proved to be consistent with those apprehended theoretically. Both suggest a very high risk of injury to the eye created by this type of the shooting toys. Conclusion. The proposed measuring system makes it possible to simplify and improve the accuracy of the evaluation of the kinetic energy of the plastic bullets fired from a toy weapon. It has a greater potential for conducting the relevant studies compared with that provided by the standard ballistic chronographs. The results of the present experimental study are in excellent agreement with the clinical observations and give evidence of the very high risk of injury to the eye created by the shooting toys firing “plastic bullets”.

About the authors

Alexei Yur’evich Kutukov

Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Saint-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University”, Russian Ministry of Health

candidate of medical sciences, assistant professor for the Department of Ophthalmology; Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education “Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University”, Russian Ministry of Health, Saint-Petersburg, 194100, Russian Federation Saint-Petersburg, 194100, Russian Federation

N. V Kutukova

Saint-Petersburg state budgetary healthcare facility “Municipal Mariinskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital”

Saint-Petersburg, 194104, Russian Federation


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