Lochmann’s syndrome in the child. A case report

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The authors report a clinical case of the rare syndromic disease, oculo-dento-digital dysplasia, described for the first time by W. Lochmann in 1920 and currently known as Lochmann’s syndrome. The patient was a two-month old child with this condition whose somatic status was characterized by multiple malformations including bilateral syndactilism of II-III toes, foot tetradactilia, deformation of fingers, congenital heart disorder (with the functioning oval window and the chord in the left ventricular cavity), and hypoxic lesion of the central nervous system. The pathological changes in the visual analyzer manifested themselves in the form of bilateral anophthalmos, the underdevelopment of the eyelids, the abnormal growth of the eyelashes, the absence of the upper eyelid folds, the marked shortening and narrowing of the eye slits, and the significant reduction of the size of the conjunctival cavity. Rehabilitation of this patient consisted of stepwise ocular prosthetics and the treatment by the specialists in the related disciplines

About the authors

T. V Sudovskaya

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

105062 Moscow, Russia

Yuliya Andreevna Bobrovskaya

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Email: bobrula1980@mail.ru
105062 Moscow, Russia

N. Sh Kokoeva

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

105062 Moscow, Russia


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