The laser-assisted treatment of iris flocculi in the children

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The authors describe two cases of papillary margin flocculi in the children and the results of their successful laser-assisted treatment. It was shown that papillary margin flocculi can obstruct the area of the pupil and thereby cause obscurity and visual impairment in the children. The application of a YAG-laser for the drainage and destruction of papillary margin flocculi measuring up to 4-6 mm makes it possible to significantly reduce the size of the flocculi. Elimination of their protrusion into the pupil area clears the optically significant region and thereby improves visual acuity without a surgical intervention and the related complications.

About the authors

Nataliya Nikolaevna Arestova

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

105062 Moscow, Russia

L. A Katargina

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

105062 Moscow, Russia

R. V Kalinichenko

The Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases

105062 Moscow, Russia


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