The clinical picture, diagnostics, and treatment of ophthalmological paraneoplastic syndromes

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Ophthalmological paraneoplastic syndromes are the extremely rare pathological conditions that affect the eye and its accessory structures due to the distant influence of the tumour. The clinical and diagnostic signs in the majority of the cases of paraneoplastic neuropathies and neuro-ophthalmological disorders are not specific and may reflect the presence of many otherpathologies. The phenotypic expression of the clinical manifestations is highly variable and depends on the immunological profile of the antigens involved in the pathological process. Thus far, there are neither-generally accepted diagnostic criteria for the ophthalmological paraneoplastic syndromes nor therapeutic modalitiesfor their management which dictates the necessity of thefurther investigations and multi-center studies in this field.

About the authors

Olga Andreevna Boginskaya

Federal state budgetary institution “Dmitry Rogachev Federal Research Clinical Centre of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology”, Russian Ministry of Health; State budgetary healthcare facility “Z.A. Bashlyaeva City Clinical Hospital”, Moscow Health Department

Email: boginskayaOlga@gmail.сom
117997, Moscow, Russia

B. S Pershin

Federal state budgetary institution “Dmitry Rogachev Federal Research Clinical Centre of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology”, Russian Ministry of Health

117997, Moscow, Russia

A. B Smirnova

Federal state budgetary institution “Dmitry Rogachev Federal Research Clinical Centre of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology”, Russian Ministry of Health

117997, Moscow, Russia


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