The risk factors of uveitis in the children presenting with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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This paper is devoted to the analysis of the risk factors of the development of uveitis in the children presenting with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, i.e. one of the autoimmune inflammatory diseases characterized by the chronic slow clinical course and the development of severe complications leading either to visual impairment or blindness. The authors present a review of the literature with special reference to the uveitis risk factors of interest. The emphasis is laid on the clinical variants of juvenile idiopathic arthritis, genetic factors contributing to the development of this pathology, the antinuclear factor and its relationship with the gender, as well as the role of cytokines in pathogenesis of uveitis concurrently with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

About the authors

E. A Drozdova

South Ural State Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health

454092 Chelyabinsk, Russia

Elena Vladimirovna Yadykina

South Ural State Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health

454092 Chelyabinsk, Russia


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