Acquired dacriocystites in the young children: the clinical features, etiology, treatment strategy

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This paper is focused on the characteristics of dacriocystites in the young children with special reference to the causes underlying their development. It substantiates the necessity of different strategies for the treatment of congenital and acquired dacriocystitis in the young children. The most characteristic clinical picture of acquired dacriocystitis is described along with the etiological structure of pathogenic agents and their sensitivity to antibacterial preparations. The most efficacious strategy for the treatment of acquired dacriocystitis in the young children is proposed that includes sanitation of the nasopharynx and therapeutic lavage; it thereby allows to avoid repeated catheterization of lachrymal passages.

About the authors

Guzel’ Zakirovna Galeeva

Kazan State Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health; State Medical Institution “Children’s Clinical Hospital”, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan”

420012, Kazan, Russia

A. N Samoilov

Kazan State Medical University, Russian Ministry of Health

420012, Kazan, Russia


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