The application of modern fluoroquinilones for the treatment of bacterial eye infections in the young children

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The results of the ophthalmological observation of 50 (63.3%) children at the age from 1 to 29 days and 29 (36.7%) ones at the age from 1 to 12 months are reported. 62 (78.5%) patients presented with the signs of bacterial conjunctivitis while the remaining 17 (21.5%) ones suffered from suppurative dacryocystitis. We studied the microflora from the conjunctival space of these 79 children. The Gram-positive bacteria St. epidermidis (59.7%) and St. aureus (21.7%) were found to play the leading role in the development of inflammatory eye diseases. The study of sensitivity and resistance of the antibacterial preparations to the isolated pathogens showed that fluoroquinolones exhibit the highest therapeutic effectiveness. The 0.5% moxifloxacin eye drops caused positive dynamics of the clinical course of inflammatory eye diseases in the newborn and young children. Specifically, inflammation was totally eliminated in the patients presenting with bacterial conjunctivitis and in 71% of those with suppurative dacryocystitis. The authors recommend to use Vigamox eye drops for the wide application in the pediatric ophthalmological practice. However, this preparation can be prescribed to the children under 1 year of age only after obtaining the voluntary informed consent of the parents.

About the authors

El’vira Irekovna Saidasheva

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «I.I. Mechnikov North-West State Medical University»; State budgetary healthcare facility «Children's City Clinical Hospital No 1»

Department of Pediatric Opthalmology 198205, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia

S. V Buyanovskaya

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «I.I. Mechnikov North-West State Medical University»; State budgetary healthcare facility «Children's City Clinical Hospital No 1»

Department of Pediatric Opthalmology 198205, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia

F. V Kovshov

State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «I.I. Mechnikov North-West State Medical University»; State budgetary healthcare facility «Children's City Clinical Hospital No 1»

Department of Pediatric Opthalmology 198205, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia

I. V Gudimova

State budgetary healthcare facility «Children's City Clinical Hospital No 1»

198205, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia

E. A Fanta

State budgetary healthcare facility «Children's City Clinical Hospital No 1»

198205, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia

L. N Chetvernya

State budgetary healthcare facility «Children's City Clinical Hospital No 1»

198205, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia

N. P Dubok

State budgetary healthcare facility «Children's City Clinical Hospital No 1»

198205, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia


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