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The present comprehensive study of the characteristics of accommodation insufficiency included 130 patients at the age varying from 6 to 18 (mean 11,26 ± 0,2) years. They were allocated to 3 groups depending on the reserve of relative accommodation. Patients with the markedly reduced reserves of relative and absolute accommodation showed the minimal values of its objective parameters, such as binocular and monocular accommodation responses. Impaired accommodation was associated with the higher values of habitual accommodation tone and the accelerated development of myopia. However, the resting tone of accommodation in the patients with its deterioration was lower than normal.

About the authors

Elena Petrovna Tarutta

Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

105062, Moscow, Russian Federation

Natal'ja Alekseevna Tarasova

Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

105062, Moscow, Russian Federation


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