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The article is dedicated to the study of the initial link of pathogenesis of the cataract. The examinations were performed in 1010 cataract patients (1860 eyes) by the Italian biomicroscope with the registering digital camera SLIT Lamp OTC (magnification x40). It was established that as early as before cataract development protein molecules of the lens denaturate: vacuoles and dilated pores, torn globular protein molecules, transparent and opaque protein canaliculae, etc. appear. It is evidence that the lens protein molecules denaturation in cataract occurs first and leads to increase of the cellular membranes permeability, of which aqueous fissures, dissociation of the lens fibers, aggregations around the dilated pores on the lens membranes and in the intercellular media are the signs. These aggregations appear as a result of penetration of the cellular contents on the surface of the cellular membrane and lead to infiltration and lens opacity.

About the authors

T S Agaeva

Азербайджанский НИИ глазных болезней им. акад. З. А. Алиевой, Баку

канд. мед. наук; Азербайджанский НИИ глазных болезней им. акад. З. А. Алиевой, Баку


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