Odnomomentnaya dvustoronnyaya polostnaya operatsiya pri nekotorykh vidakh oftal'mopatologii u detey

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The results of simultaneous operation in infants with bilateral dense congenital cataract, non-compensated congenital glaucoma and in older children with lens subluxation and Marfan's syndrome in increased risk of general anesthesia are presented.
Simultaneous operation in both eyes contributed to acceleration of rehabilitation in children with cataract, IOP normalization in patients with glaucoma and decrease of the general anesthesia risk. No complications were noted during bilateral operation and in the post-op period. A special importance of following asepsis rules in performance of simultaneous cavity interventions in both eyes is emphasized by the authors.

About the authors

L N Zubareva

ФГУ «МНТК "Микрохирургия глаза" им. акад. С. Н. Федорова Росмедтехнологий», Москва

д-р мед. наук; ФГУ «МНТК "Микрохирургия глаза" им. акад. С. Н. Федорова Росмедтехнологий», Москва

A V Ovchinnikova

ФГУ «МНТК "Микрохирургия глаза" им. акад. С. Н. Федорова Росмедтехнологий», Москва

канд. мед. наук; ФГУ «МНТК "Микрохирургия глаза" им. акад. С. Н. Федорова Росмедтехнологий», Москва


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