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The authors performed a retrospective analysis of some risk factors of retinopathy of prematurity: blood gas indices (SpO2, sO2 - 2616 tests, pO2, pCO2 - 844 capillary blood tests, FiO2 - 944 tests) during the first 7 days of life of premature infants who later developed retinopathy of prematurity; SpO2 indices in all three groups of infants exceeded 96% (hyperoxia) but indices of arterialized capillary blood gas (SaO2 and pO2) remained within permissible values. That means that in comparison of these two methods pulseoxymetry is a more adequate method for hyperoxia detection. Simultaneous application of pulseoxymetry and transcutaneous monitoring is the most optimal for hyperoxia detection

About the authors

E I Sidorenko


д-р мед. наук, проф., член-кор. РАМН; РГМУ

I B Astasheva


канд. мед. наук; РГМУ

I G Kan

Измайловская детская клин. больница

Измайловская детская клин. больница

I I Aksenova


канд. мед. наук; РГМУ

D N Degtyarev


д-р мед. наук; РГМУ

A B Dulenkov

городская клин. больница № 8

городская клин. больница № 8

E V Bezenina

городская клин. больница № 8

городская клин. больница № 8

Yu N Vorontsova

городская клин. больница № 8

канд. мед. наук; городская клин. больница № 8


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