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The present study included a total of 357 schoolchildren aged 14-17 years residing in a northern region of European Russia who presented with emmetropia (n = 186), pseudomyopia (n = 45), and myopia of different severity (n = 126). The hemoglobin levels and the number of blood erythrocytes in the patients of different groups were compared. The methods employed included the total blood count, determination of erythrocyte colour index, and the occurrence of hemoglobin levels below the normal-for-age value. It was shown that adolescents (boys and girls) presenting with pseudomyopia as well as girls with different degree of myopia had a significantly decreased hemoglobin level compared with the adolescents of either sex presenting with emmetropia. The number of erythrocytes in the girls with myopia was also lower than in their age-matched counterparts with emmetropia. Significantly more schoolchildren at the age of 14-17 with short-sightedness or predisposed to its development had a decreased hemoglobin level compared with their age-matched counterparts suffering emmetropia. It is concluded that a decrease in the hemoglobin level per blood unit volume compromises oxygen supply to the tissues , i.e. leads to hypoxia that in its turn impairs the functional abilities of the body and is one of the factors contributing to the development of myopia.

About the authors

T. A Yastrebtseva

Children’s Polyclinic № 3

офтальмолог Syktyvkar


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