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The structure of pediatric ophthalmologic service in Tula region, diagnostic and treatment opportunities in rendering specialized ophthalmologic assistance to the children are reflected in the article. The authors compared the essential medical statistics in ophthalmology in Tula region and in the Russian Federation, and outlined measures for quality improvement of the ophthalmic pediatric assistance to the children of the region

About the authors

O V Paramei

Морозовская городская детская клин. больницаРГМУ

д-р мед. наук; Морозовская городская детская клин. больницаРГМУ

N V Maximova

РГМУ, Москва

канд. мед. наук; РГМУ, Москва

T S Zhuravleva

Тульская областная детская больница

Тульская областная детская больница


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