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At the department of reanimation and intensive care of newborns 165 premature infants from the group of high risk of retinopathy development were examined. Concomitant pathology such as pneumonia, enterocolitis and cerebral ischemia of II and III degree was detected in all the infants of the examined group. In 100 cases development of retinopathy of prematurity was noted. In the group of infants with high risk of retinopathy of prematurity development a high incidence of ischemic structural lesions of CNS was registered. Periventricular leukomalacia develops more frequently. Hemorrhages of the III degree prevail in the structure of intraventricular hemorrhages. Long-term disturbance of hemodynamics with increase of the resistance indices of the cerebral and ophthalmic arteries over 0.8 is a significant risk factor of severe retinopathy of prematurity forms development.

About the authors

G V Nikolaeva


Кафедра офтальмологии (зав. - член-корр. РАМН проф. Е. И. Сидоренко) педиатрического факультетаканд. мед. наук, ассист. каф. офтальмологии педиатрического фак. РГМУ; РГМУ

G V Nikolayeva


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