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We examined 165 premature infants, 100 of them developed retinopathy of prematurity (RP). Open arterial duct (OAD) without registered disturbances of central and regional hemodynamics was detected in 59 infants. In 12 cases according to echocardiography data a hemodynamically significant functioning arterial duct (HSFAD) was determined.
It was established that RP development is mostly related to the lower mass of a body and gestation age of infants for the moment of birth. Disturbances of the central and organ hemodynamics accompanied by the shift of the blood gas indices contribute to RP development. OAD without registered disturbances of central and regional hemodynamics has no influence on the incidence of RP development. HSFAD is accompanied by the high incidence of severe RP forms development. Premature infants with HSFAD belong to the high risk group of RP development requiring special attention of ophthalmologists.

About the authors

G V Nikolayeva


Кафедра офтальмологии (зав. - член-кор. РАМН проф. Е. И. Сидоренко) педиатрического факультетаканд. мед. наук, ассистент; РГМУ

O I Mileva

городская больница № 8

зам. главврача; городская больница № 8

O A Babak

городская больница № 8

канд. мед. наук, зав. отд-нием реанимации и интенсивной терапии новорожденных № 2; городская больница № 8


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