


Approaches to the treatment of the professional competencies and aspects of their analysis from the point of view of the theory of the formation of professional consciousness are researched. It is shown that the present form of educational activity within one of the general subjects is insufficient. It is necessary to upgrade it in accordance with the requirements of the educational standard of the third generation on the basis of modern ideas about the specifics of the human psyche and teaching as a socially conditioned form of professional consciousness. The contradictory nature of the views on the essence of competences is demonstrated in the article. As a result of the contextual analysis of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the direction of training 240100 Chemical Technology it was found that listed competences are treated as the willingness and ability of future specialists to carry out a variety of forms and aspects of these activities: industrial and technological, managerial, scientific research and design. The abilities are formed in activities and manifest themselves in the speed, depth and strength of mastering it and are internal mental regulatives. It is shown that the problem of the specific content of the abilities of the mental processes and the conditions of their purposeful formation has not been solved. It was found that the definition of professional competence given from the standpoint of the theory of formation of professional consciousness as a higher level of mastering the means a professional activity, psychologically being a system of general and professional abilities, is the most clear and constructive. Within the comprehensive discipline the specific professional mental actions (methods) were singled out. Their purposeful formation by means of didactic and methodological materials was organized.


Olga Afanasyeva

Samara State Technical University

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate professor of the general and inorganic chemistry. 244, Molodogvardeiskaya str., Samara, 443100

Yuri Afanasyev

Samara State Technical University

Candidate of Chemistry, Associate professor of the general and inorganic chemistry. 244, Molodogvardeiskaya str., Samara, 443100


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