


He article is devoted to inclusive education of students with disabilities. The formation of the occupational health safeguards culture, the increase of safety of life and the social status of disabled social groups are relevant questions today. It is important that in the process of inclusive professional education of future specialists skills, life safety, occupational safety and health culture were formed so that the student could promote a safe and healthy way of life among others. In this regard, an important role in the professional training of disabled students of medical College play medical and biological disciplines, ecology, life safety, labor protection, the knowledge of which will allow to effectively carry out labour activity on the basis of generated occupational health safeguards culture. Occupational health safeguards culture is one of the most important components of the safety culture of life of people with disabilities, which promotes in the professional training of the development of analytical and communicative skills of future specialists, determine the security level in their social and work activities. The combination of knowledge and skills on safety and health objectively the main content of the occupational health safeguards culture, the basic component of which is a professional culture that aims to provide quality performance. An important role in shaping occupational health safeguards culture of students with disabilities, visually impaired and other disabled people is of course «life safety», revealing the basic provisions to the development of safe life and health in the workplace of persons with disabilities, taking into account the degree of risk and harm.


Larisa Kolyvanova

Kinel-Cherkasy medical College

candidate of pedagogical Sciences, Manager of public relations 60A, Krasnoarmeyskaya str., S. Kinel-Cherkassy, Samara region, 446350

Tamara Nosova

Volga state social-humanitarian Academy

doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of «Zoology and anatomy, physiology, life safety» 26, Antonova-Ovseenko str., Samara, 443090


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