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The article shows the relationship of transcultural identity, social institution of the family, and the subsequent crisis of identity. The phenomenon of ethnic and cultural marginality is presented and analyzed, as the relationship between different subsystems, which are movable in a hierarchical relationship. The components and connections of marginality, forms of its influence on the contemporary socio-cultural process are identified. Similar concepts are considered "marginal" terms "biсultural - suburban tenant" and "liminal human" whose properties are expressed in a large variety of characters of different societies. presented scenarios of different situations in transcultural areas of social interaction. The transformational movement culture in two projections is traced: the stationary zone, which is a place of stability and crisis zone, where the culture is experiencing functional impairment. The processes of assimilation, integration, and isolation from the perspective of determining the dynamics of marginal relations in the cultural system. The model of a marginal system and its main components: the marginal space, the representatives of the dominant culture - the center of a marginal system, its core - the culture of the dominant ethnic group, non-marginal minority, transcultural marginals - marginalized cultures in between the center and the non-marginal minority, peripheral marginal living on the edge the whole system, as well as their habitat - the marginal periphery of the system, the area most distant from the cultural center, the location of the carrier fringe culture. The role and importance of the phenomenon of marginality in the context of psycho-pedagogical process, its relevance and ubiquity, because of the migratory pressures in today's society, the consequence of which is a problem in society as an infusion of children and adults of migrant workers are identified.

About the authors

Alexander I. Shirochenko

Samara Academy of Culture and Arts

a postgraduate student of Depatment Theory and History of Culture, Samara Academy of Culture and Arts. 167, Frunze Str., Samara, 443010


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