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In the article the naval schools that operated in Novorossiya area in late XVIII - early XX century and were aimed at training personnel for the Black Sea Navy of the Russian Empire are listed and a general description of their activities is provided. The historical background of the emergence, reorganization and liquidation of the educational institutions described is given. In this paper, the course terms in educational institutions for officer training are mentioned, curriculum subjects are enumerated, contingent entering the study is characterized and the prospects for cadets’ further service are highlighted. The article lists the names of some of the most outstanding graduates, and in some cases gives the names of the faculty representatives. The ways to conduct practical studies and training cruises are discussed and their place in the learning process is defined. All the above data are based on a retrospective analysis of articles and books on the given topic, the original documentation of the XVIII, XIX century, which includes decrees, regulations, statutes, orders, circulars, reports by the Black Sea Navy company commanders, statements of progress, "General Maritime List." Taking into account the length of the period under review (end of XVIII - beginning of XX century), the author of the article traced the naval education principles transformation in the Russian Empire taking educational naval institutions of Novorossiya area as an example. A tendency to reduce the period of training for officers of the Navy, to strengthen the role of training cruises, and subjects of specialization at the expense of general education learning cycle reduction is revealed.

About the authors

Olga V. Barskaya

Black Sea Higher Naval School after Pavel Nakhimov

Senior lecturer, Foreign Languages Department. 1a Dybenko str., Sevastopol, 299028


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