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The article deals with interdisciplinary teaching complexes as single element of information and didactic basis of formation of professional competence of health-synthesized through a special course content integration with the relevant academic disciplines. Interconnected interdisciplinary didactic complexes structurally logical connections into account not only the consistency and continuity of health-content modules, but also the methods and ways of presenting them in their development of students. The modules of interdisciplinary teaching complexes are presented. The modules are included in the structure of academic disciplines such as: Philosophy; Physical Culture; Engineering psychology; Valueology; Ergonomics; life Safety. Each academic discipline has didactic units. The pedagogical experiment showed the effect of interdisciplinary teaching in the formation of complexes of health-professional competencies for students - the future operators of man-machine systems.

About the authors

Aleksei I. Kardashevsky

Samara State Technical University

candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer, department of physical education and sports 244, Molodogvardeiskaya str., Samara, 443100


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